Get there first with the most men
This article will observe another real world strategy taught by all military schools that will certainly increase your 2v2 win percentage. Read this to learn how to play Risk online like the pros!
One of the best ways to master 2v2 Risk online is to observe your own mistakes in order to correct them in the future. The best players are always polishing their game by observing their own mistakes. One of the most common mistakes I see is when players leave too many men behind to defend their continent. It doesn't matter if you outnumber the enemy ten to one, you can't make a kill if all your men are behind the lines.
After an inexperienced player takes Australia for example, it's very common for them to ignore their tactical move phase and leave all their men on Siam to guard the continent. This is especially bad when they also own China and India, which creates a block. This situation effectively takes all their men out of the fight leaving them with no offensive power. When you have no offensive power, not only are you forced to depend on inferior defense dice, it also allows your enemy to do what they want which is dangerous. Whenever you give the enemy a chance to take their own initiative, it puts you at a great disadvantage. Never give the enemy a chance to control the field of battle by forcing you to react to their moves. This strategical concept is taught at all military schools and cannot be over-emphasized.
Instead of leaving so many men on Siam, it's much wiser to leave the least amount of men necessary to guard Australia and tactically move the rest of your men into the fight as soon as possible. The best players use offense dice when possible to gain an advantage. Usually 2 men on Indonesia and 2 men on Siam is sufficient to guard Australia, but it always depends. Look at where the enemy is located, calculate how many reinforcements they will receive on their turn, determine what is possible for them to achieve, and then leave behind the least amount of men possible to defend Australia.
Tactically move the rest of your men for offensive operations and try to get the enemy to react against what you are doing. Once the enemy is trying to defend his own continent against your offensive operations, your continent will no longer be in danger. The best defense is offense. Whether or not you are successful at breaking the enemy's continent is besides the point, your strategy should be to take their attention off of your own continent by bringing the fight to the enemy with superior offensive dice. That is what taking the initiative is all about. Never wait on the enemy to come to you, depending on 2 defense dice is always a bad strategy.
"Get there first with the most men." - General Nathan Bedford Forrest. Even with a smaller army, General Forrest understood that if he could tactically move the most men to key areas quicker than the enemy could, he didn't need a large army. As long as he could concentrate superior forces quicker than the enemy, he couldn't be defeated. Strategy wins wars, not manpower.
Forrest couldn't afford waiting on the enemy to come to him because he had an inferior army, he had to attack on his own terms instead. 2v2 Risk online is no different. You can't afford leaving too many troops behind the lines waiting on the enemy because your two defense dice will be inferior to your opponent's three offense dice, and you won't have the manpower to take initiative as well. General Forrest understood he could win every battle by showing up first with the most men by using superior tactical movement. If you win all of your battles by concentrating superior forces at key areas with tactical movement, you too can win a war with an inferior army when playing Risk online.